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Re-engineering the wheel
2020-05-26 22:18   New gloves   Over the weekend, I redrafted my glove pattern. Previously, I had used the generic glove pattern that I found on the original Mi.Mu dev-blog as the base for my old gloves. For the ne...
The Past is Another Country
2020-04-24 11:05   F I R S T . . .    In 2018, I designed and built a set of data-gloves with my collaborator, Cloud Unknowing. Our first prototype was built using flexible sensors that I manufactured from an Instr...
Nimuè I
2020-04-15 16:30   Nimuè I   Nimuè I is composed for voice, video, electronics, and programming. It explores the mythical world surrounding Nimuè (or Vivianne), le forêt de Brocéliande, and le Tombeau de Merlin in ...